FLAGG members form small discussion groups which meet 1 day a week during the school year, and allow youth to share their life experiences, feelings and Filipino culture. FLAGG is led by Student Leaders, who plan & run a variety of activities which encourage personal, social and cultural growth.
Connect with other Napa County Fillipinx students and community members.
Discuss important social topics including Current Events, Racism, and Mental Health.
Explore our culture: History, Food, Music, Humor, Immigration, Family, etc.
FLAGG: is an intergenerational project of the Napa Valley Education Foundation and Napa County MHSA Innovations. Membership is open to High School and Middle School Students in Napa County who identify as Filipinx (ie., Filipino, Filipino-American, or students with any amount of Filipino ancestry).
Please send us an email with your name and contact info if you’d like to get connected to/join FLAGG!
Filipino Community Liaison and FLAGG Coordinator
Phone: 707-567-6364 • Email: clarence@nvef.org
FLAGG members attend small discussion groups which meet on Monday, 6:30-8:00 pm, from October to May of the School Year. Each FLAGG Group has students from ACMS and ACHS, adult mentors, and student leaders, who encourage the sharing of issues and concerns important to their everyday lives, in a safe and non-judgmental environment. At FLAGG meetings, students explore topics of importance to youth: Communication, Relationships, Current Events, Racism, etc. We also discuss topics of Filipino cultural importance: History, Food, Music, Humor, Immigration, Family, etc. Lastly, FLAGG members explore topics of mental health and coping strategies. As Covid restrictions lift, FLAGG hopes to have large group activities, such as Cultural Field Trips, Guest Speakers, Movie Nights, active participation in the Pista Sa Nayon Filipino Festival, and other Filipino culture events.
The California Healthy Kids Survey shows that Filipinx students experience uncommonly high levels of anxiety, depression, and other wellness issues, without the typical identifiers for these conditions. The trauma of the pandemic, along with local and national events, have added to their anxiety and stress. FLAGG provides support for students dealing with these unique concerns, through the strong bonds of friendship and community which form within each group. FLAGG allows students to openly share their struggles and concerns in an atmosphere of mutual respect trust. The program also fosters cultural, social and personal growth in each member, including opportunities for community service and leadership.
During the Covid-19 crisis, FLAGG meetings will be conducted via Zoom, on Mondays, from 6:30-8:00 pm. As safety restrictions lift, FLAGG is working towards in-person discussion meetings, at a time, day and place to be determined by FLAGG Coordinators and student leaders.
Students who identify as Filipinx from Napa County Middle Schools and High Schools, along with Filipinix adult mentors from the local community, can be members of FLAGG. The opportunity to: (1) make friendships with students from different grade levels, and (2) to develop mentorships with responsible adults is an important and unique aspect of this intergenerational program.