John. P Glaser Leadership Award

Nominate an educator or leader today! 

Recognize a Napa County school employee who inspires through innovation, communication, and community building. Open to all school employees—teachers, staff, and administrators

Apply Today

Nomination deadline:
February 26th

Napa Valley Wellness Conference 2024

The 6th Annual Napa Valley Wellness Conference brings together educators, administrators, practitioners, and student leaders for a comprehensive professional development experience that elevates school-based mental health programs while promoting youth voice. 

Register Today!

Early Access Tickets
On Sale Now!

Napa Valley Education Foundation

Youth in Napa Valley deserve every opportunity to grow into successful and thriving adults, that’s why Napa Valley Education Foundation invests in enrichment programs that support youth with music, career readiness, wellness, and classroom innovation!

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We are the Foundation for the Future!
Supporting all students in Napa County.

Building Brighter Futures: Our 2024 Impact

We are the foundation for the future.

Napa Valley Education Foundation supports the dreams of more than 18,000 students, and we can’t do this without you. 60% of students in Napa County’s public schools come from low-income, underserved communities. These kids are our future.

Dollars in Action

It’s simple. Tomorrow’s adults are our underserved kids today.

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What We Fund

The programs we fund are the first to be cut.
And they’re vital.

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Make Your Donation

Join with your neigbors to change our schools today.

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Every day, NVEF supports the district’s work by providing critical extra programs students need to perform their best: music and arts, health and wellness, career preparation, and teacher innovation grants. To do this, we need to raise $2.4 million annually. And we can’t get there without you!

The Numbers Tell The Story

Dollars Raised Every Year


To fill school district funding gap

Teacher Grants


Since 1983, NVEF has awarded $1.3M to fund programs our teachers create for innovative learning experiences





Low Income
minority background



For elementary school
PE programs



Raised for middle school Wellness Centers to support mental health, social and emotional well-being

Music Connection


4th – 12th grade students inspired through camps, festivals, after school and summer programs

Instrument Rentals


Of Music Connection’s annual instrument rentals are at a no/low rate to families in need



Of high school students who participate in the 8-week Summer Mentor Program are hired upon completion of their internship

Mentoring + Internships


8th – 12th grade students receive career exploration opportunities at 300 businesses annually

Healthier, Happier

Reduced Bullying
Reduced Suspensions

Middle School Wellness Centers improve behavior and social/emotional functioning for 4,500 students while reducing reports of bullying by 41% and suspensions by 61%

The Need Is


The public funding gap for our schoolteachers and students is huge. If we don’t make a difference for them today, what does our tomorrow look like?

Donate Now

Our Programs Make a Difference

Music Connection

Providing access to instruments and inspiring students through music camps, festivals and after-school programs.

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Health + Wellness

Improving the mental health, social and emotional well-being for every Napa County student.

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Career Connection

Hands-on mentoring and real job experience in partnership with Napa’s top employers.

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Classroom Innovation

Innovative experiences that motivate students and provide real-world learning.

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County-Wide Support.
Local impact.

300 local businesses offer a critical pivot
point for our kids, grades K to 12. We can’t name them all, but we’d like to add yours – and start changing lives today.

Our Business Partners

Each year, our business partners invest philanthropic dollars into our schools.  Students, teachers and our schools are impacted by every dollar we raise.  Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Become a Sponsor

Please contact us to learn more about becoming a sponsor

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Upcoming Events

Merger Celebration @ St. Supery

July 16th, 2021

Lend A Hand

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Our kids are counting on us.

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